2nd edition

The talk about LUCKY’S activity book

 ‘We are going to use the activity booklets as an added incentive for the Ani-Pal programme to encourage school children to sterilise’

 Lucille Boonzaier

Educations Officer, Cape of Good Hope SPCA

‘We are quite delighted with this book’

Belinda Abraham

Communications,Education & Resource Development Manager, Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

“I am So excited about this book. Such a need for education at this level. Got to get this into the schools up here. Well done on such an amazing project”

Belinda Bass

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The story book is a hit at the Intshayelelo Primary’

  Jackie James

Education, Mdzananda Animal Clinic Khayelitsha

‘ The activity book looks WONDERFUL’
‘Funda Nenja would definitely be interested in purchasing some of these much needed teaching aids.’

‘This is no run-of-the-mill activity book; it’s a beautifully crafted, carefully considered collation’

Lucinda Jordaan

Media and Communications Consultant

  ‘We are very interested in using your wonderful book as part of our current project – a mass animal sterilisation and education project in partnership with African Tails –  in Mamre.’
‘Visited Bright Little Stars Educare in Mamre yesterday. Used Lucky as a tool for storytelling. Kids loved it.’

Tanya van Tonder

Four Paws South Africa

 ‘The booklets are delightful and will be such fun to use in our sessions’
‘One of our readers told us that she had a learner who asked if he could take one of our books that we use for reading home to read (which unfortunately we cannot allow). It really highlighted the fact the many of our learners do not have reading material in their homes.  Now we do have something that we can give them to take home with them. ‘

 Ruth Powell

Fraaisig Literacy Programme, Fraaisig Primary School, Hornlee, Knysna

‘We wish you well with this venture.’

Paddy Attwell

Director of Communication, Western Cape Education Department

Thank YOU for making our job so much easier! Your educational material is awesome.

Funda Nenja

facebook comment 09/06/22

Lucky in action! Four Paws SA using Lucky’s activity book during the Sidewalk Specials Steri drive 7 in Groendal, Franschhoek, 2019

Four Paws SA and The Underdog Project educating children at Sidewalk Specials Steri Drive 8, De Doorns 2019